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Now you can broadcast yourself eating on Twitch

We've got no beef with that.

Twitch has launched a new Social Eating category, and invited streamers to share their breakfasts, lunches and dinners in front of the camera.

Bring back snacks.

Social eating is already popular in South Korea, where it is named "muk-bang" - literally, "eating broadcast".

Cooking the food yourself is sometimes part of a muk-bang, although often the food consumed is a takeaway.

It's still early days for western social eating, but there's already a service named TreatStream for viewers to send a food deliveries to UK, US and Canadian streamers to then eat on camera.

Twitch launched its social eating category officially last night, following the successful roll-out of other non-gaming sections such as music, art and crafts.

Already this morning we've seen a British ex-pat living in Australia chomp down 10 Chicken McNuggets and a French Texan pretend to be a hamburger. What a world we live in.

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