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No game tie-in for new Hobbit movie

Deadlines too tight, says del Toro.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

There are no plans to release a videogame based on The Hobbit at the same time as the new movie.

Director Guillermo del Toro is working on the the film along with Peter Jackson. Though del Toro is a gamer himself, he reckons there's no time to sort out a tie-in for a simultaneous launch.

"It's too ambitious to try and tackle that along with The Hobbit," he told MTV multiplayer. "We have such tight release dates."

But what about when the film is done and dusted? Del Toro talks about what he'd like to see from a Hobbit game in a video at the link above, which we can't watch because we're not American. THE INTERNET SEE NO COLOR, HATERZ. ONE LOVE.

In the meantime, you could always play the last-gen Hobbit game released in January 2004. Or not.

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