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Nintendo to unveil new, larger 3DS - report

UPDATE: Nintendo moves to debunk Nikkei report.

UPDATE: Nintendo has moved to debunk Nikkei's report, saying that it's inaccurate and is merely rumour and speculation, in an official statement picked up and translated by Andriasang.

On the eve of its E3 conference Nintendo is reported to be planning a new, larger 3DS for release as soon as this summer.

Nikkei's reporting - via Andriasang - that the new, larger version of the Nintendo 3DS will boast a 4.3 inch screen, some 1.5 times bigger than the screen in the current version of the handheld. It is, of course, likely that any redesign will also incorporate the second analogue stick that's been added via the Circle Pad Pro.

Nikkei, a reputable source with a proven track record on getting details on Nintendo hardware first, is also reporting that a redesign could hit North America, Europe and Japan this summer.

Such a quick turnaround between hardware iterations wouldn't be alien to Nintendo and its handheld devices - the original DS launched in Japan in November 2004 and was repackaged as the DS Lite in March 2006, with a further redesign coming via the DSi in 2008.

Nikkei's also reporting price details on the Wii U, which is expected to be explored in full detail at tomorrow's Nintendo E3 conference, and it points towards a price point of 30,000 JPY - which translates roughly to 250 GBP.

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