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Nintendo "in step" with HD progression

Miyamoto to "take advantage" of tech.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has rekindled HD Wii speculation by promising to support 'new' technology "as it comes out".

"I don't think there's anything wrong with pretty graphics, and if I'm a consumer that has an HDTV, I'd want to be able to play my games with nice graphics too," said Miyamoto, grinning at a roundtable event in New York City yesterday (reported by Industry Gamers).

"And I think as we've seen the penetration rates for HDTV increase, we're going to see videogames and Nintendo's games move along in step with the progression of technology.

"But what I don't think is necessarily true is that the graphics itself is something that's going to make the gameplay experience better," he added. "So we're still going to focus on the gameplay, but we'll take advantage of the technology as it comes out."

Talk of Wii HD is familiar and old; Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter was adamant this summer that "Wii Plus (HD) is coming", and Microsoft and Sony know it.

There are no big platforms left this year for Nintendo to announce such a device. The Mario maker may choose the Game Developers Conference early next year, although an E3 reveal in the summer of 2010 is much more likely.

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