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Nintendo eShop update - 27/10/11

Burger! Ghostly! Halloween! Kyotokei!

Culinary puzzler BurgerTime Deluxe and a coven of Halloween-themed games launch on the eShop and Wii Shop Channel this Thursday, Nintendo has announced.

BurgerTime Deluxe is a version of the classic fast food brainteaser originally released on the Game Boy. For £2.50/€3 players can battle Mr. Hot Dog, Mr. Pickle and Mr. Egg to assemble their fast food fast.

Elsewhere, Halloween: Trick or Treat comes knocking on to DSiWare for a pricey 800 DSi Points (or £7.50/€8 on 3DS) and Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove: Monster Mix releases on WiiWare for 500 Wii Points (about £3.50).

The latter is an off-beat release from Harvest Moon developer Natsume, where Wii Remote-equipped players must dance to lure back a troupe of wayward zombies.

Finally, decent WiiWare shmup Kyotokei gets a free demo. It's an Ikaruga clone that launched last month and, for free, is definitely worth a try.

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