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Nintendo E3 Conference

Live report, story index. 3DS! Kid Icarus! Zelda: Skyward Sword! DKC! Kirby! Mario Sports!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

That's it for Nintendo! As expected we heard about and indeed saw the 3DS, but we perhaps got more than expected with lots of software commitment from all Nintendo's mates. We also have the return of Donkey Kong, Kirby and GoldenEye to look forward to on Wii - and of course Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword!

Check out the entire live text transcript below or click through to the story you want:

- Nintendo unveils 3DS handheld
- European 3DS launch "by early next year"
- Nintendo 3DS hands-on
- EGTV plays with Nintendo 3DS, including reaction
- Nintendo 3DS photographs
- Mario Kart, PilotWings and more for 3DS - full line-up
- Nintendo unveils new Zelda Wii
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword hands-on preview
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword E3 trailer
- Kid Icarus returns in 3DS instalment
- New Donkey Kong Country for Wii
- Kirby's Epic Yarn this autumn
- GoldenEye Wii remake this year
- Wii Party due out this Christmas
- Nintendo shows Mario Sports Mix
- Golden Sun DS out this Christmas
- Nintendo 3DS tech specifications
- Nintendo E3 Conference photograph gallery

Original introduction: Now that the Beast of Redmond has slunk off back to its newly family-friendly lair, it's time for Nintendo and, later, Sony to tell us their plans for the coming year.

For once, we know roughly what to expect from Nintendo: the 3DS is a virtually certainty after the original announcement told us to expect it at E3; the new Legend of Zelda game for Wii is long overdue a showing; and there are numerous other loose ends including Satoru Iwata's favourite Vitality Sensor.

If past conferences are anything to go by - and despite Nintendo's transformation of the past few years, the make-up of its conferences has at least remained consistent - then we should also expect reams of graphs and charts, most of which tell a bright and cheery story about how everyone and his dog owns a Nintendo console.

Join us from 9am PST / 5pm BST to find out just how many dogs, and about all that other stuff. Eurogamer's Ellie Gibson will be providing her usual colourful commentary, and we'll be whirling around gathering all the news, videos and screenshots too.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Ellie's inside the auditorium and we'll be ready to go at 5pm BST.

Tom Bramwell

Good morning, Nintendo fans! And non-Nintendo fans who are just here to complain.

Tom Bramwell

We are in the Nokia Theatre, or "Nokeyaa Theerder" as it's pronounced here in sunny LA. Where it's actually a bit grey this morning, but misty LA just doesn't have the same ring to it.

Tom Bramwell

Curiously, the stage and surrounding areas are lit with a sort of PlayStation blue rather than traditional Nintendo red. Or perhaps they're paying tribute and it's a Eurogamer blue? Perhaps.

Tom Bramwell

The conference is pretty packed. Haven't spotted any big names yet though.

Tom Bramwell

Wonder what's going on backstage right now. Just picture the scene: Cammie checking her white trouser suit for stains, Reggie practicing his pronunciation of "Maorio", Iwata fiddling anxiously with his Vitality Sensor...

Tom Bramwell

They are keeping us entertained, theoretically, with multiple choice trivia questions on the big screen. It's like Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, except ironically, we can't win anything, and everyone at Nintendo IS a millionaire!

Tom Bramwell

Who is the creator of Dragon Quest, trivia fans?

Tom Bramwell

Yep, Yuji Hori. Well done. You win nothing.

Tom Bramwell

(Back to Gibbo.) It will be very interesting to see how Nintendo will respond to yesterday's revelations, what with Ubisoft doing a Vitality Sensor and Microsoft doing a... Well, everything really.

Tom Bramwell

(Housekeeping announcement! We have previews of a bunch of big games - XCOM! True Crime! The Force Unleashed II! Guitar Hero 78! - going live at 6pm BST, so if you're interested in those look for them there in an hour.)

Tom Bramwell

What would you like to see, readers? New Zelda? More Mario? Don't know about you, but I am crossing my fingers for Women's Murder Club 2!

Tom Bramwell

What is the number of years an average player has been playing videogames, trivia fans?

Tom Bramwell

12 years! Just imagine that.

Tom Bramwell

I am sitting next to editor Matt Martin again. What are your predictions for the Nintendo conference, Matt? "They've got to show new Zelda, or there will be violence in the seats. Fanboys will start throwing them at Reggie."

Tom Bramwell

Matt is also predicting some nice pie charts about women and old people. "I'm hoping for pie charts, but I'll settle for a graph." Top industry analysis there.

Tom Bramwell

Wonder if Michael Pachter is here? What can you see in your wondrous crystal ball, Michael? "He's probably predicting a 4DS right now," says Matt.

Tom Bramwell

Apparently the first game to incorporate Wii MotionPlus technology was Virtua Tennis 2009. This means I will have to make a call to the Guinness Book of Records shortly and inform them that the spread I turned in last week is factually inaccurate.

Tom Bramwell

Wonder if Miyamoto's here? Wonder if he's going to the APB party tonight? We've heard there's going to be a topless band. Almost certainly, then.

Tom Bramwell

Wonder if Nintendo will try to match Microsoft's stunt yesterday by giving everyone here a free 3DS? Or a free HD Wii? Or a free Satoru Iwata?

Tom Bramwell

It's starting! There's a big countdown on the screen. 10...9...8...

Tom Bramwell

Reggie's here! Looking dapper in a suit that probably isn't from Mr Byrite.

Tom Bramwell

"For gamers, this is the best week of the year. You can just feel the buzz in the air, and as usual, that buzz begins with technology."

Tom Bramwell

"The headlines just seem to spin on technology. But this morning, let me adjust that perspective just a little bit, because technology is only a tool. The end product, the thing that does matter, is the experience." Well said, Don Mattress! Oh hang on

Tom Bramwell

"Here at E3, with thousands of people battling to see and try everything at once, considering the experience is the only real way to make sense of it all. We intend to show you how Nintendo, once again, is raising the bar" DING DING DING you can tick off raising the bar on your Buzzword Bingo card.

Tom Bramwell

It's a Zelda trailer! There's Link, standing in a field!

Tom Bramwell

He draws his sword, then his bow and arrow. It's called The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword.

Tom Bramwell

Miyamoto is on-screen now. "I think this game will be remembered as a key turning point in Zelda's history."

Tom Bramwell

He's holding that sword and shield again.

Tom Bramwell

They have turned into the Wii remote and nunchuk now. "With a sword this light, you can move it around as you like."

Tom Bramwell

MotionPlus will be used for selecting items - press the B button.

Tom Bramwell

A bloke called Bill [Trinen] is on stage now. The Miyamoto video has finished. Bill's showing us how Zelda works.

Tom Bramwell

MotionPlus turns the remote into your sword.

Tom Bramwell

Miyamoto just burst onto the stage. He's here after all!

Tom Bramwell

"You know what, I think I'll explain it myself." Probably best.

Tom Bramwell

"Just imagine you are holding a sword and a shield yourself." Z to lock-on, C to shield bash, A to put your sword away.

Tom Bramwell

Miyamoto shows how you can swing and slash your sword. Pressing Z targets.

Tom Bramwell

On-screen, Link is in a woodland glade, populated by some big funky mushrooms. Dare you to eat one, Link. Then play the Mario Kart Rainbow Road track.

Tom Bramwell

Now Link is slashing away at them big flowers with the gaping mouths and razor-sharp teeth that Freud would probably find really interesting,

Tom Bramwell

You can do swing attacks by swinging both hands together in the same direction.

Tom Bramwell

Link's found a door with an eye in it. Stab the eye, Link!

Tom Bramwell

Or yeh just confuse it by waving your sword around.

Tom Bramwell

Now he's using the shield bash move to knock projectiles back towards an enemy, by jerking the nunchuk.

Tom Bramwell

Link is facing enemies who can block attacks now. He swings his sword to get around this.

Tom Bramwell

The visuals look very traditional - green grass, blue skies, brown earth, that sort of things.

Tom Bramwell

He's showing us item selection now. You hold down B to put your hand in your pocket, i.e. bring up a selection wheel.

Tom Bramwell

Then you can select bombs, arrows, slingshots and the like.

Tom Bramwell

You don't have to point at the screen to aim - you just move the remote in front of you as if you're aiming a real slingshot. Or something.

Tom Bramwell

Pressing A puts bombs on the ground.

Tom Bramwell

You can throw them by flicking the Wii remote.

Tom Bramwell

You can also roll them like bowling balls. Lethal, death-bearing bowling balls, obviously.

Tom Bramwell

"We're having a little interference here. Is somebody out there using wireless?" Er not us honest.

Tom Bramwell

Bow and arrow now - Miyamoto is holding the controllers like an actual bow and arrow. "It looks like we're having trouble with the wireless." It does a bit.

Tom Bramwell

You can make a beetle fly around. It's also used to pick up items. Link sends it flying over a high ledge.

Tom Bramwell

Miyamoto is controlling the bettle by twisting the Wii remote. Now he's switching to the whip. You can use it to cut grass and batter enemies. You can switch easily back to your sword.

Tom Bramwell

"I can assure you that when you play it on the show floor, everything plays very smoothly and clearly." Pesky wireless issues, eh?

Tom Bramwell

Development "looks like it's going to take through the end of this year" - so you can look forward to playing the new Zelda "next year".

Tom Bramwell

Video now: Link slashing away at enemies, chopping down trees, fighting scorpions, swinging on ropes, climbing vines, firing arrows.

Tom Bramwell

Flying the beetle, rolling bombs, shooting bats, whipping more scorpions, And Reggie's back.

Tom Bramwell

"The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword is just the top line of our E3 story today. There's a lot more to come." Women's Murder Club 2???

Tom Bramwell

Oh. It's time for the bit about women and old people. Entertainment crossing gender age etc etc.

Tom Bramwell

Now he's listing sports games. Eh? NBA Jam. Whooping.

Tom Bramwell

An exclusive NBA Jam for Wii will be on the show floor.

Tom Bramwell

It's Maorio! He's playing beach volleyball on the big screen against Yoshi and Peach.

Tom Bramwell

Donkey Kong wielding an ice hockey stick now.

Tom Bramwell

Bowser lobbing bombs, Luigi shooting hoops. Looks like a new Mario Sports effort?

Tom Bramwell

Mario Sports Mix is the title. Coming in 2011.

Tom Bramwell

"Maorio Sports Mix is pure fun," says Reggie. A fun magnet? "Last year you heard people predict that Wii momentum was starting to wane." Is it graphtime?

Tom Bramwell

"But then we sold billions of Wiis to Americans innit!" (Paraphrasing)

Tom Bramwell

"Then we sold loads of games because that is how we roll muchachos" (Still paraphrasing)

Tom Bramwell

More people intend to buy a Wii than the other platforms combined, apparently.

Tom Bramwell

It's not the case that people buy Wii Fit then lose interest, says Reggie.

Tom Bramwell

First lifestyle photo of the show! It's got women in and everything!"

Tom Bramwell

He's talking about bridge titles, like Mario Kart and NSMB Wii. 22m and 14m sold respectively.

Tom Bramwell

The next bridge title "begins with more than 177 million Mii characters created around the world". It's Wii Party.

Tom Bramwell

Video now. Gorgeous people in lifestyle lounges. There's a board game island - looks a bit like Mario Party but with Wiis.

Tom Bramwell

13 party games, over 70 different mini-games. Coming "this holiday".

Tom Bramwell

It will drive social interaction, says Reggie. Just Dance! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Glad I didn't say that out loud

Tom Bramwell

Just Dance video now. Just Dance 2! This is even better than Women's Murder Club 2!

Tom Bramwell

40 plus tracks. The PussyCat Dolls are playing. When I grow up, I certainly do indeed want to have boobies.

Tom Bramwell

Up to eight players.

Tom Bramwell

Coming "fall" 2010, exclusively for Wii. (Tom can you put a pre-order in for me while I'm doing this ta)

Tom Bramwell

Golden Sun is now subtitled Dark Dawn.

Tom Bramwell

Video: Big-headed blonde kids running round villages, mountains etc.

Tom Bramwell

Some sort of plasma ball has turned the world all dark. You must sort it all out.

Tom Bramwell

Golden Sun Dark Dawn is arriving this holiday season.

Tom Bramwell

Come on Reggie, show us your 3DS! I've brought my red and green glasses!

Tom Bramwell

Hang on - GOLDENEYE.

Tom Bramwell

Video of men in a boardroom discussing what made GE great.

Tom Bramwell

"A new Goldeneye game is coming up." Bond theme. Rainy scene, explosions, first-person gunfights.

Tom Bramwell

Split-screen and online multiplayer. Jaws, Oddjob. Special modes; Paintball, melee.

Tom Bramwell

Looks like Craig David's likeness is in there. Sorry Daniel Craig.

Tom Bramwell

"I remember it, you remember it," says Reggie. I dunno, most of the nineties are a total blur for me.

Tom Bramwell

"Activision's new Goldeneye, exclusive to Wii, this holiday."

Tom Bramwell

Mickey Mouse is on screen now.

Tom Bramwell

"Now this universally recognised and beloved character embarks on a new chapter." Epic Mickey? Yep. Warren Spector is here. He's not trying the hilarious mouse ears trick again.

Tom Bramwell

Nice sweater vest, Warren! It's like Chandler is IN THE ROOM.

Tom Bramwell

We're seeing in-game footage. Mickey is running around "Wasteland - a world both familiar and strange".

Tom Bramwell

Specifically, he's in the Ventureland quest zone. This is where you learn about quests and buy stuff. Mickey is talking to Smee about an optional side-quest.

Tom Bramwell

Other characters from Peter Pan are in this bit, including some theme park locations like the Swiss Family Robinson Tree House.

Tom Bramwell

We're watching Mickey use paint and thinner to change the environment. He can erase characters, objects, walls, plants, even the ground.

Tom Bramwell

But can he draw big nobs on the walls?

Tom Bramwell

All very nice, but I'd rather see Epic Tony Hart. Or possibly Epic Neil Buchanan.

Tom Bramwell

Action zones now. You'll have to visit the booth to learn more about those. Righto.

Tom Bramwell

Travel zones take Mickey from one part of the wasteland to another. They're side-scrolling areas. This one's black and white - it's inspired by Steamboat Willy.

Tom Bramwell

"Walt himself once said, it's kind of fun to do the impossible."

Tom Bramwell

Warren's finishing up. Bye, Warren! Hello again, Reggie!

Tom Bramwell

There's an exclusive interview between Iwata and Spector, says Reg.

Tom Bramwell

He's talking about Sakurai now, the guy behind Smash Bros. and Kirby.

Tom Bramwell

I never noticed how much Kirby looks like a shaved bollock before.

Tom Bramwell

Kirby's back! Freshly shaved!

Tom Bramwell

"Spin a yarn in a way that yarn has never been spun before" what?

Tom Bramwell

Kirby's Epic Yarn. It's Kirby cross-stitch!

Tom Bramwell

2D side-scroller. Kirby appears to be made of wool himself. He can wield wool like a whip to grab things. He can change shape - a parachute, a car, a surfboard, a UFO.

Tom Bramwell

The environments are all pastel and very pretty.

Tom Bramwell

Even enemies are made of wool outline - here's a big dragon, there's a flaming phoenix.

Tom Bramwell

Looks lovely and woolly. It's for the Wii.

Tom Bramwell

Reggie says the main difference is not the way new Kirby looks, but works. Slated for release this autumn.

Tom Bramwell

Moving on to Dragon Quest now. 4.2 millioin copies of IX sold in Japan.

Tom Bramwell

"Chico, maybe the top dragon quest fan in our treehouse, has now logged maybe 140 game hours." Is Chico here???

Tom Bramwell

Oh. DQ IX is coming to the US in "just 26 days". "And then on the last day of August, passionate players on Wii will experience a signature moment with an old friend." Metroid Other M.

Tom Bramwell

Was really hoping it was Chico time, but it's running round space corridors and getting in lifts time.

Tom Bramwell

General footage of running, shooting, jumping, getting in lifts.

Tom Bramwell

Reggie says it's all about isolation and exploration. What about the lifts?

Tom Bramwell

August 31st release date - for the US, presumably. [Yep. Autumn in Europe, unless they update it in the post-show press pack! -Ed]

Tom Bramwell

Holy moley. Donkey Kong's back!

Tom Bramwell

Massive whooping. DK swinging on vines, collecting bananas. Mine Kart race!

Tom Bramwell

Even the music's the same! It's like it's 1996 all over again! Side-scrolling. Looks just like the SNES games. Very lush, detailed, pretty and generally brilliant. Donkey Kong Country Returns is the title. THIS HOLIDAY.

Tom Bramwell

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this is almost as good as Just Dance 2.

Tom Bramwell

Sounds like it's time for the 3DS now.

Tom Bramwell

Reggie is winding up. But with what? "We're not just raising the bar, but extending that bar far into the distance." 3DS logo on screen.

Tom Bramwell

Photo of family wearing glasses on sofa. They look stupid. "There's nothing to watch yet or play on big screen 3D" says Reggie. "But most of all, it's the glasses. Man, those glasses!"

Tom Bramwell

"And that kind of fashion forward statement doesn't come cheap." Oooh burrrrn! "We think there's a better way... Take 3D along with you wherever you go." "Ample game content available the first day on the market. And best of all, no glasses."

Tom Bramwell

Video. Some sort of montage of human history in its entirety.

Tom Bramwell

"Now - nothing between you and the experience." Nintendo Kinect! No wait

Tom Bramwell

3DS! The stage has gone all red. Dry ice!

Tom Bramwell

It's rising up out of the floor. This is bonkers.

Tom Bramwell

Hang on it's an empty pillar. Has the 3DS been nicked?

Tom Bramwell

Iwata is here. Haha, he picked it up off the pillar! It's that slim!

Tom Bramwell

You couldn't see it from the floor.

Tom Bramwell

He's holding up the 3DS. It's turquoise. Two screens. Analog nubbin above d-pad.

Tom Bramwell

The upper screen has 3.5 inch widescreen display.

Tom Bramwell

Can easily be held in one hand, would probably fit in a back pocket.

Tom Bramwell

The case looks like it's metallic and shiny.

Tom Bramwell

He tucks it inside his jacket.

Tom Bramwell

On the top half there's a 3D depth slider - you can maximise the 3D, remove it altogether or go inbetween.

Tom Bramwell

3DS is a successor to DS, so it naturally has a touch screen. However, "We realised that fignerprints and other smudges reduce the 3D image"

Tom Bramwell

"In other words, a touch screen and 3D screen do not get along very well. So we decided to employ a touch panel only on the bottom."

Tom Bramwell

They have improved the graphics capability of the hardware. "Something tells me this might cause a lot of enthusiasm in the development community."

Tom Bramwell

Controls now. "We installed the slide pad, designed for analogue play." There's also a motion sensor and a gyroscope.

Tom Bramwell

"It has compatibility with DSi, 3DS has a camera too, but look - there's not one but two camera lenses on the outside."

Tom Bramwell

You can also take photos and view them in 3D.

Tom Bramwell

One more thing... 3DS is "also capabale of displaying 3D Hollywood movies".

Tom Bramwell

There are 3D movie trailers at the E3 booth. WB, DreamWorks.

Tom Bramwell

Also Disney.

Tom Bramwell

"Gamers care most about games."

Tom Bramwell

Remember that Project Sora announcement? The one with Sakura?

Tom Bramwell

Well, it was actually established "to create a game specifically for 3DS".

Tom Bramwell

The Queen of Darkness Reborn, says a message on screen.

Tom Bramwell

And to Oppose her, the Goddess of Light and a Lone Angel. It's Kid Icarus. KI Uprising is the full title.

Tom Bramwell

We see him soaring through the sky. He can only fly for five minutes.

Tom Bramwell

Wings are all purply and glowy. Rawk guitars. Reminiscent of Ulysses 31.

Tom Bramwell

Icy environments, flying enemies, bow and arrow, castles, lava, giant bosses, SPACE aaa aaaaa

Tom Bramwell

Soaring into the sunset. "Let Your Wings Shine!" OK then!

Tom Bramwell

Coming Soon.

Tom Bramwell

Back to 3DS. It searches for wireless access points and responding 3DS systems, and communicates without you knowing, even with the lid close.

Tom Bramwell

Nintendogs had a similar feature, but communication stopped if users started playing another game.

Tom Bramwell

3DS is different.

Tom Bramwell

Even when you are not near a wifi access point, you may discover new rankings, stages etc. have been downloaded.

Tom Bramwell

And ghosts.

Tom Bramwell

There is no need to pay a monthly fee for the online functionality.

Tom Bramwell

Back to the games now.

Tom Bramwell

Miyamoto is working on 3D versions of Nintendogs.

Tom Bramwell

It has got cats! Kinectimals! No wait.

Tom Bramwell

3DS software from third-parties - Harmonix, EA, Ubi, WB, SEGA, Take 2, THQ, Konami, Hudson, Namco, Capcom, Activision...

Tom Bramwell

DJ Hero 3D, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Saints Row, Madden.

Tom Bramwell

Samurai Warriors, Resident Evil, Batman, Assassin's Creed

Tom Bramwell

Riiiiiiiiiidge Racer, Metal Gear Solid.

Tom Bramwell

Level 5, Majesco also in. 3D Cooking Mama??? 3D WOMEN'S MURDER CLUB 2???? We can only hope.

Tom Bramwell

It's the end. Proper clapping.

Tom Bramwell

But first - a video of what devs think of 3DS. Kojima excited.

Tom Bramwell

Inafune says "it is very attractive".

Tom Bramwell

Kojima experimenting with MGS. "It's a jungle, there are things in front of you, away from you and even further down."

Tom Bramwell

Inafune: "I think 3D makes players wonder what is at the end of the hallway."

Tom Bramwell

End of video. Return of Reggie.

Tom Bramwell

"When we began this morning, we promised something for everyone..." FreeDS?

Tom Bramwell


Tom Bramwell

More content coming up on And on Eurogamer, promise.

Tom Bramwell

There's no way to demo the 3DS on stage, so they've decided to communicate it in a different way. With a video!

Tom Bramwell

It's of Iwata. He pulls a 3DS out. CGI Mario jumps out of the screen then pulls him in with him.

Tom Bramwell

Miyamoto walks up. Picks up 3DS. A bloody dog jumps out. It pulls him into the 3DS.

Tom Bramwell

Zelda swords and shields, DK barrels, red shells all pop out of 3DS. Reggie comes along. Gold coins and mushrooms burst out. He picks up the 3DS and sees Iwata and MIyamoto running along a bridge, chased by Bowser.

Tom Bramwell

Bowser emerges from 3DS and firebreathese Reggie.

Tom Bramwell

He's come back on stage in a burned up jacked. "Well, that sure felt real to me!"

Tom Bramwell

A load of women coming out with 3DSes.

Tom Bramwell

There's bloody hundreds of them. They have 3DSes attached to them. I wonder if they will all see another sunrise.

Tom Bramwell

This is bananas. It's like being confronted by a thousand clones of Judith out of Tomorrow's World.

Tom Bramwell

It's like women holding 3DSes are taking over the world. They're like hot cybermen.

Tom Bramwell

The women are marching out of the theatre. Now Wiis are raising out of the stage. They've got Zelda on the screen. The shuttles to Sony don't start leaving till 11. Sony will be pleased.

Tom Bramwell

It's the end.

Tom Bramwell


Tom Bramwell

And actual bananas! In Donkey Kong Country!

Tom Bramwell

There's a scrum for those Wiis at the front of the stage. We're off outside to see if those women have been torn to pieces yet. See you at noon PST for Sony!

Tom Bramwell

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