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Nintendo dates E3 Digital Event

World Championships return after 25 years.

Nintendo will hold its annual E3 presentation on Tuesday, 16th June at 9am Pacific Time (5pm UK).

Once again, the company will not hold a traditional press conference but stream something more akin to its Nintendo Direct broadcasts.

We expect to hear details on upcoming Wii U and 3DS games, but there will be no new smartphone or NX announcements, Nintendo has already said.

The company is also reviving its Nintendo World Championships tournament, last held in 1990. Regional events will be held across the US with disciplines in numerous Nintendo games, before a finale in Los Angeles at E3 itself.

Thankfully, there will be plenty to watch even for those at home. Nintendo will once again broadcast gameplay from new titles throughout E3 via its Treehouse Live stream, which last year saw numerous titles shown off in far more detail than in the company's main digital event.

Watch Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime announce the company's E3 plans below:

Watch on YouTube

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