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Nexon interested in buying EA - report

EA shares jump on news of Korean publisher's takeover move.

UPDATE: A spokesperson for Nexon has told Eurogamer that its "policy is to never comment on rumors".

ORIGINAL STORY: Nexon, the South Korean publisher behind MMO behemoth Maple Story, has reportedly contacted EA about making a takeover bid.

A Bloomberg video report carried the story, which apparently originated in a South Korean newspaper.

"We have no idea how EA might have responded to this reported offer," said the newscaster.

When approached for more information by Eurogamer, an EA spokesperson responded that its "only comment on this is that we don't comment on rumors or speculation about our business".

We've been in touch with Nexon too and will update when we hear back.

Bloomberg's story added that EA's shares jumped "more than six per cent" following the news.

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