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Digital Jesters signs Savage

TrackMania publisher buys up another.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Hot on the heels of its first two European releases, Digital Jesters has outlined plans to release multiplayer title Savage in the UK in February 2004. Developed by S2 Games, Savage is a sort of massively multiplayer RTS, with player-controlled commanders directing legions of warriors - each controlled by a real person - in battle against their enemies. It also distinguishes itself in that, unlike virtually every other multiplayer title these days, Savage doesn't charge an ongoing subscription fee on top of the £29.99 asking price.

"The game was on the radar for several large publishers," says Digital Jesters' director Terry Malham. "However, lean outfits such as Digital Jesters are always able to move much more quickly – and I'm delighted we've once again out-flanked our rivals. We're expecting this to be one of our most popular titles to date." When their other titles to date include the quirky Virtual Skipper 3 and the superb TrackMania, that's quite a claim.

Speaking of which, VS3 and TrackMania - the publisher's first releases - are due out today.

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