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Halo soundtrack re-released

With Halo 2 bonus DVD...

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Music label Sumthing Else has released a special edition of its original Halo soundtrack, which includes 5.1 surround sound versions of certain tracks and a Halo 2 bonus disk comprised of trailers and videos.

Originally released in 2001 (and winner of the "Best Original Sountrack" accolade from Rolling Stone that year), the soundtrack is the work of Marty O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori. Of the surround sound tracks (some of which are works freshly extracted from the game), O'Donnell says "Consider it a taste of things to come."

Much like the Halo 2 bonus disk, then. Although we don't know exactly what's on it, the promise of "trailers and videos" is bound to set a few pulses racing. Unfortunately for those of you pulsing on this side of the Atlantic, however, we've yet to find anybody with the Special Edition version available. Amazon has the original though, so it's probably only a matter of time.

And in case you're wondering, Sumthing Else is also responsible for a number of other Microsoft/Xbox soundtracks, including a 54-track take on Crimson Skies and Voodoo Vince, Brute Force and Tao Feng discs, although we'll forgive you for not chasing after those like a Jackal.

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