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Square Enix fires up Drakengard sequel

Development won't drag on much longer. [Nor will your career at this rate you weary pun wielding git. -Ed]

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Square Enix has revealed that chummy dev studio Cavia is hard at work on a sequel to Drag On Dragoon - known as Drakengard in the West - and aims to release it in Japan on PS2 next spring.

"Drag On Dragoon 2: Love Red, Ambivalence Black", to give the game its proper, wonderfully over the top billing, will take place in the same world as its predecessor, some 18 years on, and if you're at all interested there's a brief teaser trailer on Square Enix's newly launched official site for the game here.

The first Drakengard was of course (of course) distributed in Europe by Take-Two earlier this year, but since then Square Enix has begun self-publishing over here. Whether that means the sequel is more or less likely to come out over here is anyone's guess, but it seems highly likely that if it does it will be published by the big men themselves.

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