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Games Convention’s PS3 section revealed

No controllers in sight. We have pictures and everything.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Amazing what you find wandering around trade shows the day before they open their doors. When Sony recently said it had taken the decision to hold off letting the general public gets their hands on PlayStation 3 until Tokyo Game Show at the end of September it really wasn't lying. We walked around the PS3 section of Sony'stand at Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany today and saw logos, screens and seats, but nary a controller (or PS3 hardware) in sight.

We're not lying either. We even took some pictures to prove it. We're not sure of the significance of the symbols on the screen at the moment, but we're sure all will be revealed at the company's GC06 press conference tomorrow afternoon at 5pm CET.

In the meantime, see if you can work it out yourself. Sorry, typing on German kezboard#s is reallz, reallz hard, so we#re going to leave it there.

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