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PS3 Euro timing undecided

Says boss David Reeves.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony Computer Entertainment has not yet reached a decision on when the PlayStation 3 next-generation console will launch in Europe, with SCEE president David Reeves commenting that "you could be in for a surprise."

Reeves was speaking at the first day of the ELSPA International Games Summit in London, where he focused largely on issues affecting the current generation PS2 and the forthcoming PSP handheld - but took the time to answer a question about the schedule for PS3.

Responding to assumptions regarding the timetable for the European launch, Reeves said, "I don't think anyone has given a timing on the next generation in Europe... You could be in for a surprise."

After that hint - either tantalising or throwaway, depending on who you ask - he then deferred the issue back to Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ken Kutaragi, saying that he "would like to think" that the platform will launch on Kutaragi's Spring '06 timeline in Europe.

However, Reeves stressed that the decision on when to launch in this territory is one which won't be finalised for some time - and earlier in his keynote, he had told the audience that SCEE actually enjoys being the last territory in the world to get new hardware, suggesting that this is an approach which is unlikely to change.

He also said that for now, SCEE is completely focused on the current generation.

"We're ready for [the next generation]," he said, "but our priority is PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable. That's where the money is for the next two years."

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