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New Xbox 360 snippets

Another mysterious picture appears on, and there's a trailer for the MTV special out too.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

With just a few weeks to go until Xbox 360 is unveiled, a new teaser trailer for the MTV special has been released.

There's not an awful lot to see - a bunch of trendy youngsters, a lot of shiny skyscrapers and what looks like a giant lump of kryptonite floating about the place - but if you want to take a peek, it's available via the Xbox users group (direct link, QuickTime required).

The MTV special will be shown in the US on May 12 and in the UK on May 13, starting at 8pm. It will feature performances from contemporary popular beat combo The Killers and will be presented by Frodo Baggins.

Slightly more revealing is a new picture that's appeared on Xbox 360 viral site It seems to be a picture of the console, though from what angle is anybody's guess, and suggests that we can expect the new machine to sport a shiny chrome casing.

There's also a picture of what's said to be an Xbox 360 development kit knocking around, but it looks an awful lot like a Mac with some Microsoft labels stuck on it to us. However, there's been talk of Mac-shaped dev kits in the past, so maybe, just maybe...

Ctrl-V, but we'll keep you posted. Sorry, I mean: Microsoft was unavailable for comment at the time of writing, but we'll keep you posted.

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