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Tecmo flaunts Ninja Gaiden

Looks good!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Tecmo's highly anticipated action/adventure Ninja Gaiden will launch on Xbox this Christmas - in the US, at least. All that could be seen of the title at E3 was a couple of trailers displayed by both Microsoft and Tecmo, and I'm assured by Tom that it really did look rather special. Details on the game have been kept under a particularly tight lid, but Tecmo did let on that the story is one of vengeance as Ryu Hyabusa, a notorious ninja assassin, seeks revenge after his clan is massacred by the Vigor Empire. Also, Tecmo announced but then annoyingly continued to remain tight-lipped about an Xbox Live feature that will "be like nothing gamers have ever experienced before." Gosh.

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