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Unreal Engine 4 unveiled

And Epic wants new staff.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Epic vice president Mark Rein has gone on record with C&VG to confirm that the Unreal Engine 4 is currently in development - and has been for the past two years.

Unreal 3 has already been licensed by a long list of developers working on games for the PS3 and Xbox 360, but according to reports, Rein has suggested that Unreal 4 will be used to create games for the following generation and won't appear in its finished form for the next three years or so.

"Unreal Engine 4 will be totally groundbreaking and the way games will be done in the future," Rein is quoted as saying.

"When people come to work at Epic, they can come here with the knowledge that we're always keeping one eye on the future and they're going to be helping to shape the future of the videogame business."

And to ensure that Unreal 4 really is the best engine it can be, Epic is currently looking for "top talent" to join the team.

"We have several job openings right now and we'll consider any application if we think the person will be a genuine asset to our team," Reid said.

Epic is looking to hire programmers, engine developers, animators and artists, and only the best will do.

"We're really looking to hire the best in the industry. Nobody should imagine they're paid too well now or that they're too entry level to apply.

"We want to talk to anyone who has the potential to be at the top of the industry... Quality people with world class skills that can be a good fit with our team and our goals on both sides of our business - games and engine technology."

Rein is also determined to make the most of the new talent he hires - unlike some other companies, apparently. "There are insanely great developers sitting behind cubicles working soul draining hours for big corporations that ultimately treat those developers as disposable resources.

"I like to think that the most talented among them are secretly harbouring the same passion and intensity for technology and gaming innovation that we do."

And Epic's new hirings will get to show off their skills in a shiny new office - the developer is moving this October, to a new building that will house a gym, a sports field, a much larger motion capture facility and all sorts of other fanciness.

"Nobody is going to come through the new office and think it's overly extravagant but rather they're going to feel that we've created an environment that is enjoyable to work in and has a little room to grow."

If you fancy a move to North Carolina and reckon you've got what it takes to work for Epic, you're invited to submit your CV via their website.

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