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Mizuguchi to stop making music

Rez creator's Xbox 360 title confirmed as an action game instead.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Ex-Sega producer Tetsuya Mizuguchi has confirmed that his Xbox 360 title will not be music-based, according to an article on the official Japanese Xbox site partially translated by Gamespot.

Mizuguchi's previous titles include Space Channel 5, Rez and Lumines, so it'll mark a bit of a change for the developer - which is just what he's after.

"I want to challenge a new category since I get bored easily," he said.

Instead, he's planning "an action game with an extreme amount of drama, which [I hope] will remain in the heart of its players. I can't disclose its [exact] category and its world view yet, but it will contain a lot of first challenges for me.

"If there's one thing that can be said, it will be a game that I want to continue for a long time," Mizuguchi went on. "I hope to produce it with a theme that goes on for eternity."

The legendary developer also seemed to have his future goggles on for the interview, declaring "we are at a historical turning point" in gaming.

"If we were to look back at today in a not too distant future, I believe that we will be saying to ourselves, 'Ah, so that was the first step that led to the major changes,'" he said.

"I think we're at that kind of a revolutionary time right now, in terms that games will become a media of expression... I see the possibility that views towards games will change."

And what's more, the arrival of the next generation of consoles "will be the starting point where videogames will become extremely incredible," Mizuguchi added. Gosh.

Mizuguchi is not the only Japanese gaming legend already signed up for Xbox 360. As we reported previously, Yoshiki Okamoto (of Resident Evil and Street Fighter fame) and Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sagamuchi have some works-in-progress, too. More details are expected at E3 in May.

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