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Lost Boys become Guerrilla

Ishn't that weird?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Dutch developer Lost Boys is no more. The studio, which is believed to be working on a PS2 first person shooter called Killzone, has undergone a name change and will henceforth be known as "Guerrilla". The change has apparently been made as Guerrilla has become part of the Media Republic group. So that's Guerrilla, and not Guerrilla Entertainment/Interactive/Studios/Productions as far as we can make out, which is a pleasant break from the norm. Let's hope Killzone, if that's what they're doing, also turns out to be. The press release confirms that the team is working on an exclusive PS2 title to be published by SCEE, and promises concrete details very soon.

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