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Take-Two to publish Drakengard in Europe

First KOEI snaps up Disgaea, now this. Is the tide finally turning for European RPG fans?

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Take-Two sent over a brief but rather surprisingly statement this afternoon announcing plans to market and distribute Square Enix's Drakengard on PS2 in Europe during 2004. EA and Sony usually handle Squenix's efforts, so it's a peculiar one - maybe the Final Fantasy developer just doesn't attach as much importance to this game for some reason?

Although Drakengard hasn't inspired as much excitement in the US market as Squenix's traditionally monstrous RPG products, this is nonetheless something of a coup for Take-Two, who would doubtless love to fashion a strong relationship with the developer. Take-Two's European president Gary Lewis said he was "optimistic" about the Drakengard arrangement, and we'd be surprised if the publisher wasn't preparing to fire on all marketing cylinders in the coming months...

Well, actually, no we wouldn't. You can never really tell with European publishers and RPGs...

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