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No Halo on Gizmondo for now, says Bungie

Xbox flagship series isn't going handheld - at least not yet.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Development studio Bungie has denied reports that its Halo franchise could be on the way to Tiger Telematics' Gizmondo handheld console, scotching widespread rumours which resurfaced at CES last week.

Responding to questions from fans about the possibility of a Gizmondo version of the game, Bungie updated its website late last week to deny that any deal has been struck with Gizmondo Europe or Tiger Telematics regarding the title.

"I am told Microsoft does have a relationship with the handheld maker," the response on the website read, "but I can tell you right now the arrangement does not include Halo."

The rumours originally surfaced before Christmas, when it was revealed that Microsoft Game Studios is working on games for the system including Age of Empires and Mechassault, and representatives of the firm reportedly mentioned the possibility of Halo appearing on the device during corporate presentations.

Gizmondo's minders continue to align the console closely with Microsoft's Xbox, with the handheld - which uses a version of the Windows operating system - being demonstrated on the Microsoft stand at CES, and being described by Gizmondo as "an Xbox in your pocket."

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