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Lago announces Grand Prix Simulator

In association with, um, well...

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Italian flight sim publisher Lago is branching out into the world of Formula One, aiming to dethrone the likes of Geoff Crammond later this year with the release of Alassoft's Grand Prix Simulator.

According to Lago, Alassoft is a company that specialises in industrial development of computer simulations for real race car mechanics, so they've some physics clout, and the developer has apparently hired a professional test driver to make sure their game is as close to real life as possible.

Of course, without an official FIA licence, GP Simulator is going to have to rely on custom cars, but Alassoft has this in hand, with the promise of an easy to use yet sophisticated editing suite for both, and tuning options backed up by the ability to generate real time telemetry data.

What's more, Italian developer Milestone, who so impressed us earlier this year with Racing Evoluzione on Xbox, will be acting as producers for the game, keeping Alassoft on the straight and narrow, and publisher Lago is also promising to chip in by producing a website for players to swap cars, tracks and configs. This should amply complement the online options, which will cater to groups of 22 players...

Grand Prix Simulator should be out sometime during autumn 2003. You can see some early screenshots here.

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