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Sonic creator sets up new studio

Partially funded by SEGA.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Yuji Naka, best known for being Sonic the Hedgehog's dad and head of the Sonic Team, has left SEGA to set up his own studio.

It's called Prope which, according to the official website, is a Latin word meaning "beside" and "near future".

"We named our company Prope in the hopes of bringing game entertainment much closer to users, establishing closer ties between users and us, and creating near future entertainment," the website reveals.

SEGA will provide 10 per cent of the studio's startup capital, which is being launched as part of its program to support "Independent Game Creators." The publisher is also allowing Naka to take 10 members of Sonic Team with him.

There's no word on whether the move will affect the development of the first next-gen Sonic game, currently in the pipeline for PS3 and Xbox 360 under Naka's direction. Prope also has yet to unveil its first project, but we'll keep you posted.

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