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Sony's future plans for PSP

It's all about getting Connected.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

So much for Sony unveiling the PS3 at the Consumer Electronics Show, then - there's been not a whisper of a price or a release date, leaving us somewhat disappointed.

But at least CEO Sir Howard Stringer had a thing or two to say about the PSP. In fact, he even demonstrated how the recently announced Location Free TV service will work in his speech at the show.

Basically, the Location Free base station will connect with your PC, TV and PSP, letting you access streamed audio and visual content and watch local broadcasts over the Internet. Using the PSP's Location Free Player, you'll be able to do all this from any Wi-Fi hotspot.

In addition, Sony will soon release a new version of the PSP Media Manager which promises to make the transference and conversion of multiple media formats very simple. And that opens up a whole load of new possibilities with regard to the type of content available for PSP.

The other good news for PSP owners is that Sony plans to relaunch its iTunes-style Connect music download service in March - and now you'll be able to download game content, too.

Sony's keeping quiet on exactly what form this will take, but you can probably expect to see lots of casual games available along with re-inventions of classic franchises. It'll be much like the Xbox Live Marketplace, in other words, which has proved a hit so far - more than four million pieces of content have been downloaded since the service launched in November, according to Microsoft.

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