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Konami Revolutionises Karaoke

Cue Eurogamer Michael Jackson marathons.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

To my knowledge, none of the Eurogamer staff have actually been involved in any kind of karaoke, unless it's shower karaoke. Actually, the suspicion is that Rob might have indulged a bit while in Japan earlier in the year, but the idea of Rob gripping a microphone and wailing is a little bit too grotesque a vision even for us. Anyway, it looks like we could finally fulfil our wanton desire for karaoke action in the office should Konami's Karaoke Revolution head this way.

According to good old Famitsu, Konami will be releasing a PS2 version of Karaoke Revolution in Japan that differs greatly from that of the North American version, and is developed exclusively for the home market. Players will be able to warble along to their favourite J-Pop classics into their consoles via the (cheeky) separately-sold USB microphone in four game modes: karaoke, revolution, team battle and audition.

Karaoke has the player's singing scored by the game, which can then be uploaded to an online score board. Revolution is made up of stages which a player progresses through by not making mistakes, like going out of tune - that's us out of the loop then. The team battle is a kind of survival mode featuring between two and eight players challenging each other... somehow... Finally, audition is incredibly a story mode with multiple endings.

The game is currently aimed for release in Japan on September 25th for 3,800 yen, along with the microphone at a pricey 5,800 yen. These will be followed up by additional song discs later in the year, alongside the ability to download extra songs via the broadband adapter if you're willing to fork out a monthly fee. Shamoah!

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