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Stars come out for PSP

Celebs and fashion designers show their support for Sony's new baby at a fancy Hollywood party.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony America celebrated the launch of the PSP recently with an exclusive fashion show in West Hollywood.

The 'Pret-A-PSP' event was attended by the likes of Courtney Cox, Paula Abdul, Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson and featured top models showing off some exclusive PSP accessories.

Mark Jacobs designed a black leather clutch bag to cart the handheld around in, while Henry Duarte produced a brown fur carrying case complete with leather trim and tassles. Even Jennifer Lopez got her crayons out for the occasion, designing a "tan suede muff" with rabbit fur trim and gold studs.

But the award for blingiest accessory of the night has to go to Baby Phat by Kimora Lee for a pure gold PSP case encrusted with seven carats of yellow and black diamonds. No word yet as to whether Joytech will be producing the third party version.

"The fusion of fashion and technology took off last night on the runway," said SCEA executive Molly Smith, probably while nursing a hangover. "The show portrayed the true portability of PSP and established it as a must-have accessory."

Pret-A-PSP took place at the Pacific Design Center, which was transformed into the PSP Style Park for the event. Afterwards celebs got to have a play in the 'Access Boutique' before walking away with their very own PSPs, safe in the knowledge that it would be days before plebs would be permitted to even pay for their own consoles. Rumours that Paula Abdul went straight home and put hers on eBay are completely untrue.

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