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Blizzard dates World Of Warcraft in US and Down Under

November 23rd, $12.99 per month...

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Blizzard has finally confirmed a launch date for its long-awaited massively multiplayer title World Of Warcraft, with North America, Australia and New Zealand all getting the game on November 23rd.

A date has yet to be confirmed for Europe, but one would hope the game will follow over here soon afterwards. In the meantime, subsbription costs have been confirmed as $12.99 per month on a six-month plan, $13.99 per month in a three month chunk, or $14.99 per month if you opt for the month-by-month option. Credit cards or Paypal accounts will be accepted.

The game itself is coming out in two flavours over the pond; either the standard $49.99 version or $79.99 limited edition with one month's trial sub, behind the scenes documentary, cloth map, soundtrack, autographed manual and various other bits and bobs. We'll let you know what the European plan is as soon as Blizzard does.

Check back for a full review of the game soon.

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