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New Cooking Mama game appears on Australian and German ratings sites

Let's see how this pans out.

It's time to tuck into some excellent news: a game titled Cooking Mama: Cookstar has popped up on Australian and German ratings site.

The German USK has rated Cooking Mama: Cookstar for both Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4, suggesting for the very first time we'll see a Cooking Mama game on a Sony console.

It's also revealed on that site the game is being published by Planet Entertainment, while the Australian rating mentioned it's being developed by First Playable Productions, the developer behind Nintendo titles like Big Hero 6: Battle in the Bay and World of Zoo.

Cooking Mama: Sweet Shop is the most recent game in the series to date, having released worldwide in 2017.

It's worth noting neither of the classifications make any mention of Office Create, Cooking Mama's original developer, so it's unlikely it'll be involved in the new game.

Hopefully the USK won't get too much of a grilling for revealing the title early, as Cooking Mama: Cookstar hasn't had any sort of official announcement yet - but we'll serve you up any hot updates when it does.

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