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Nazi shooter Reich to be "reworked"

UTV Ignition Hitler nail on the head.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Reich - the Nazi sci-fi shooter fronted by a nearly-naked lady spattered by blood and pulling her skimpy top aside - really does exist, publisher UTV Ignition has insisted.

But not in the form it used to.

Reich isn't necessarily "cancelled", UTV Ignition business director Shane Bettenhausen told Siliconera - "but the form [it was] taking previously isn't there any more.

"[It is] going to be reworked. "

There were rumours that the London studio making Reich had been closed. Bettenhauser explained that this isn't the case: "The UK development studio isn't actually gone, but is smaller."

UTV Ignition closed its Florida office following a sparse 2010. The company has now merged with browser and casual game maker True Games in Texas, US.

"We're kind of combining our resources and re-upping and rebuilding Ignition," added Bettenhauser. "We have a big line-up coming throughout the year and we're going to be announcing more titles at E3."

Reich was shown two years ago to be a fast, capable shooter with plenty of action.

Will the Nazi theme stay? Will Reich become a casual or browser-based affair? Do you care?

Nazi piece of work.

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