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Natal to cost a hundred quid - report

Launch slated for October, says source.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

With just weeks to go until E3, details of the price and launch date for Microsoft's new Project Natal technology appear to have leaked onto the internet.

Edge Online is quoting a "trusted source" as saying the camera will be priced at $149. It will also be available bundled with an Xbox 360 Arcade unit for $299. Using today's exchange rates, that's equivalent to around £100 / £200.

The source also said Natal is slated for a global launch on 26th October, although it could arrive a few weeks earlier. Or later. Oh, and it won't be called Natal. The official name is set to be revealed at E3.

Microsoft reckons it will shift "millions and millions" of units in the first year, according to the source. Apparently, "You can expect the software launch line-up to target non-traditional gamers."

The platform holder has declined to comment on the report.

Expect more news at E3, which takes place in Los Angeles from 15th - 17th June. Eurogamer will be there, typing so fast sparks fly off our fingernails.

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