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N64 emulator pulled from Xbox One store

But those who bought it can still play.

An N64 emulator app for Xbox One was released and then quickly removed from the console's marketplace.

Word of the app - named Win64e10 - spread yesterday via Reddit, although it had actually launched quietly over the weekend.

While available, it cost £7.69 to buy Win64e10 in the UK.

The app was hidden on the marketplace as it had not received a Microsoft-approved release - but was searchable by name if you knew of its existence.

Microsoft obviously took note of the launch: the app is no longer available to buy now.

Regardless, anyone who did hand over money can still use Win64e10.

The legal grey-area app works by loading almost-certainly illegal ROM versions of games downloaded from the internet which you then copy to OneDrive, Microsoft's cloud-based storage system. You can then re-upload the files after playing with your latest save data.

Various videos exist on YouTube showing the emulator in action - it seems to work just fine.

Watch on YouTube

It's not the first time an emulator has appeared on the Xbox One store - a NES emulator popped up earlier this month.

Microsoft updated Xbox One's firmware over the summer to technically support any Universal Windows Platform app from the Windows Store - although the company is clearly taking a far closer level of control over which apps get a formal Xbox One release.

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