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MS cagey on new Core SKU

No comment on HDMI model.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft has popped on its shades and refused to comment over rumours that a new Core 360 SKU will arrive in time for Christmas.

The Internet started talking after Opposable Thumbs claimed to have inside information about it from the platform holder, as well as dirt on new game bundles for the Premium and Elite models.

The new Core will apparently feature an HDMI port, wireless controller, 256MB memory card and five Live Arcade games on a disc: Boom Boom Rocket, Pac-Man, Uno, Feeding Frenzy and Luxor 2. Opposable Thumbs claims it will be released "at the end of October" for USD 279.95.

But before that, we'll apparently be treated to Elite and Premium bundles with two free games: Forza 2 and Marvel Alliance. Premium will come first on 9th October, followed by the Elite on 23rd.

But it isn't the first we've heard about this. Back in August keen-eyed Internet hounds unearthed holiday bundles featuring the two free games, as well as an "Arcade: Just Play" Core system with a 256MB memory card and five free Live Arcade titles.

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