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More XBLA from PopCap

New titles this year.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

PopCap Games had a successful 2006 on Live Arcade, crowned recently with the release of Heavy Weapon.

It doesn't plan to stop there either, according to communications director Garth Chouteau, who expects more new games in 2007.

"There are of course other titles in the works for XBLA," he recently told Gamasutra. "Based on the success of the four titles we have released to date, in addition to the new one Heavy Weapon, I think that it's safe to say that other PopCap titles will make their way to the service."

"I would expect to see additional XBLA titles from us to show up this year."

He was, however, tight-lipped as to what the games would be.

Heavy Weapon broke the previous safe and friendly puzzle template that PopCap seemed to rigorously stick to. As a result, it became their most successful title, selling "an order of magnitude" more than the previous four games: Astropop, Bejeweled 2, Feeding Frenzy and Zuma.

Despite this, Chouteau was clear that the developer wouldn't be catering for one specific audience, believing that simple games can help to grow the market, as well as appeal to the underground gamers on the console.

"We would argue that hardcore gamers are still gamers. They enjoy games. While some of the most avid might look down their nose at games like Bejeweled, a significant number still enjoy these games as a break between Halo matches or other similar games."

You can catch up with our Heavy Weapon review elsewhere on the site.

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