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MOH Heroes 2 revealed

War for Wii, PSP.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

EA has announced that Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 is in development for Wii and PSP, and due for release this year.

Once again it's back to World War II we go, 6th June 1944 to be precise - otherwise known as D-Day. This time we hop into the soggy boots of operative John Berg, who has been lumped with the task of infiltrating the Nazis from behind. Better off at home, we reckon - the war's nearly over anyway.

Exclusive to the Wii version is an on-rails mode to make life a little easier, and support for the new Wii Zapper peripheral Reggie Fils-Aime paraded around with last week at E3.

EA is also promising jump-in multiplayer for up to 32 of you on PSP again, although it was unavailable to confirm if it will be supported on Wii. Fortunately, Nintendo already did that - using the 32-player number during its E3 conference address.

Medal of Honor: Heroes was released late last year on PSP, and was a rather poor instalment in the usually strong series - saved somewhat by the inclusion of the touted online multiplayer.

Pop over to our Medal of Honor: Heroes review to find out more.

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