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Modders recreate The Last of Us in GTA5

Some say the end is near.

A couple of dedicated Grand Theft Auto 5 modders have recreated The Last of Us' main character and aesthetic in Rockstar's latest open-world opus.

By using Rapidiment's After Us: Rodeo map and GTAFREAk67S's Joel (The Last Of Us) mod, YouTuber taltigolt put together the following five minute video demonstrating how Los Angeles might look if the cordyceps took over.

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While devoid of life - mushroom zombie or otherwise - the overgrown foliage and crushed, abandoned vehicles recall Naughty Dog's post-apocalyptic adventure even with the palm trees and strip malls of LA. In fact, it makes me think the west coast would make a good counterpoint to the New England metropolis and midwestern country that occupied Joel and Ellie's adventure. Perhaps the rumoured sequel could take things to Tinseltown?

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