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Microsoft says Xbox Series X/S are its "fastest-selling consoles ever"

But doesn't provide sales figures.

Now's the time for trumpeting console sales figures, and Xbox has a marketing statistic of its own to flex.

Speaking last night in a company earnings call, Microsoft boss Satya Nadella said Xbox Series X/S were the company's "fastest-selling consoles ever, with more consoles sold life-to-date than any previous generation".

But Microsoft again refrained from sharing its actual sales figures - something the company hasn't made public now for many years.

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On Twitter, games industry analyst Daniel Ahmad noted that Series X/S sales are likely now around the 6.5m consoles mark as of 30th June, compared to an estimated 5.7m for Xbox One over the same time period, and 5m for Xbox 360 the generation before that.

Sales have been impacted by supply chain issues experienced across the industry, with component shortages and scalping affecting customer ability to purchase consoles. Nadella told investors last night "demand for Xbox Series X and S consoles continued to exceed supply".

Still, Ahmad noted that supply has improved somewhat in the past quarter, and accordingly Microsoft's hardware revenues recently rose 20 percent on the quarter before.

Today, PlayStation boss Jim Ryan said that "improving inventory levels remains a top priority" for Sony too, as it continues to face stock shortages, and as it confirmed PS5 sales of 10m.

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