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Microsoft dismisses 3D as "future" tech

UK boss: Too pricey to be mass-market.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

It's the big E3 focus for Sony and Nintendo, but Microsoft UK boss Neil Thompson has dismissed 3D as "an interesting technology of the future" that's still too expensive for consumers.

Speaking exclusively to Eurogamer at E3, Thompson instead backed the experience of Kinect, the company's hands-free motion-control tech, over the 3D experiences offered by rivals. He said:

"If you look at the costs of entry into the living room and when that's going to become mass-market, we think the offering with Kinect and the natural user-interface we're bringing, that's a more compelling proposition for consumers over the coming years than maybe looking at 3D at this point."

Nintendo used its E3 press conference to unveil 3DS, a new handheld that produces a 3D effect without the need for glasses, to rave reviews. Sony, meanwhile, handed out 3D eyewear to all attendees during its event and hosted a live demo of Killzone 3 in 3D. PS3 users will, however, require a 3DTV to experience the enhanced visuals.

Meanwhile, Thompson refused to be drawn on pricing for Kinect, which Microsoft has remained tight-lipped on during its E3 events.

He said: "We haven't decided to announce that at this point and we'll make that decision in due course and then announce it in due course. We haven't landed on a date yet when exactly we'll announce it, but when we do we'll let you know."

Check out the full interview with Microsoft's Neil Thompson below.

EGTV interviews Neil Thompson, head of Xbox UK.

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