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Microsoft brings forward E3 2017 Xbox press conference

Or so we Hryb.

Microsoft will hold its annual E3 press conference a little earlier this year - on the Sunday before the show starts.

Mark your calendars for 2017's E3 Xbox showcase on Sunday 11th June at 2pm Pacific (10pm UK).

E3 week has increasingly stretched out into Sunday in recent years. Bethesda has recently used the day to hold a press conference of its own, while other publishers have used it to showcase games to press, often embargoed until E3 begins proper.

Traditionally, Microsoft would begin E3 press conference day on the Monday, followed by EA and Ubisoft's usual extravaganzas, before Sony closes off.

This year's Xbox event is expected to be all about Scorpio, Microsoft's souped-up 4K-capable Xbox One successor set to launch later this year.

We'll also see Microsoft's end of 2017 games slate - which, without Scalebound, is looking a little thin. State of Decay 2 and Phantom Dust will likely play a big part - but what else? Could we get a glimpse of Halo 6?

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