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Lovefilm responds to PS3 identity theft

"We're as frustrated as you are."

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Lovefilm is "as frustrated" as PS3 owners about the forced temporary outage of its premium console service, the company has told Eurogamer.

And rest assured that your account information "completely safe and secure".

Nevertheless, monthly subscribers to Lovefilm on PS3 haven't been able to use the service since PSN went down on 21st April. Will there be some form of compensation? Doesn't look like it.

"You may have heard the news that Sony's PlayStation Network has been closed for some days after it came under attack. This, in turn, has made our streaming service on the PS3 temporarily unavailable," Lovefilm informed Eurogamer.

"Please don't worry about the personal details on your Lovefilm account - it is not possible to access these through the PlayStation Network (we hold this information, not Sony), so it all remains completely safe and secure.

"Even if you used the PS3 to sign-up for Lovefilm, your data is still locked tight in our vaults.

"We will, of course, keep you updated as soon as Sony give us an indication of when the PlayStation Network might resume," Lovefilm added.

"Sorry for the hassle, we're as frustrated as you are."

Lovefilm went on to point out that the film-streaming service is "unaffected" on PCs, Macs and internet-connected tellies. Head to the Lovefilm website for that.

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