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Former Limbo and Inside dev reveals side-scrolling sci-fi adventure Somerville

Launches new Guildford-based studio Jumpship.

Limbo and Inside developer Playdead's former CEO and co-founder Dino Patti has revealed what they're working on next: a "sci-fi action adventure" called Somerville.

Already in development over the past three years as a pet project by film animator Chris Olsen (Skyfall, The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, Heavenly Sword), Somerville is a 2D side-scroller in the vein of Another World or Deadlight. It's not hard to see what wooed Patti towards this project.

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Olsen has described Somerville as "a sci-fi action adventure that chronicles the lives of key individuals in the wake of a global catastrophe."

Patti and Olsen are ramping up production on Somerville as the pair just announced their new Guildford-based studio Jumpship. They're hiring right now too.

It looks like Somerville is still in its early stages, but Olsen has been chronicling his work on the game's Tumblr. Here's some early footage from a prototype showing off the game's smooth animation and dynamic lighting:

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