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Latest Borderlands DLC on Live now

PC and PSN following tomorrow.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Following yesterday's minor delay, The Secret of Armory of General Knoxx for Borderlands has gone up on Xbox Live.

The Armory costs 800 Microsoft Points (£6.80 / €9.60) on Xbox 360 and will cost $9.99 when it comes out for PC and PS3 tomorrow, 25th February.

The pack picks up at the end of the Borderlands story and pits players against the Atlas Corporation's "deadly, death-dealing badass, General Knoxx". Fortunately you will be able to bust through the previous level cap on your way to facing him.

You'll also be able to enjoy some of the benefits of the corporation's weapons stockpile along the way, and knowing Gearbox and Borderlands it will be an interesting journey for other reasons besides.

Look out for our review of The Secret of Armory of General Knoxx imminently, and in the meantime check out our takes on The Zombie Island of Dr Ned and Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot.

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