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Last Stop is the new supernatural "anthology drama" from the team behind Virginia

Coming to Xbox "soon".

Variable State, the developer responsible for 2016's fascinating, jump-cutting mystery adventure Virginia, has unveiled Last Stop - a solo third-person "anthology drama" that's coming to Xbox "soon".

Last Stop, described as a "game about secret lives, the ties that bind, and how magic can be found in the mundane", unfolds in modern day London and follows the plight of three separate characters - Donna, John, and Meena - caught up in a supernatural crisis.

Variable State calls Last Stop "three stories in one", hence the anthology label, but notes that characters' worlds will begin to collide as events progress. "What connects these three strangers?", the developer teases, "Where will fate lead them?"

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Last Stop is being published by the ever-reliable Annapurna Interactive and will feature a soundtrack by BAFTA-winning composer Lyndon Holland, who was also responsible for Virginia's sublime score.

So far it's only been announced for "Xbox" (the lack of specificity there is Variable State's, not mine), but hopefully there'll be word on other platforms soon.

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