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Last Life is The Walking Dead meets Kentucky Route Zero on Mars

UPDATE: Funded with over a week to go.

UPDATE: 30/04/2014: Last Life has surpassed its $75K funding goal with over a week to go before its 9th May deadline.

The current tally comes in at $79,580. If it hits $100K there will be voice-acting for every character as well as interactive flashbacks on earth, $125K will fund an interactive map of Marstopia and a rad playable chase sequence through the Dead Man's Party Parade, and $150K will fund the second episode in this three-act arch.

ORIGINAL STORY: 11/04/2014: Indie developer Sam Farmer's upcoming sci-fi noir adventure Last Life sure is a looker. A three-episode arch about a murdered P.I. 3D printed back to life for a scant four hours so he can solve his own death, Last Life is one of the most exciting projects to hit Kickstarter recently.

Mad Men on Mars.

In fact, it's so promising that Double Fine is lending a hand in its distribution by publishing it under its new "Double Fine Presents" label. "Double Fine is going to be doing a little advising, distributing, and helping out Sam Farmer and Rocket Science get the word out about their amazing noir adventure," explained Double Fine den mother Tim Schafer.

Farmer said Last Life's gameplay will follow in the footsteps of modern point-and-click adventure like The Walking Dead meets Kentucky Route Zero. One can certainly see the latter's influence in Last Life's aesthetic that's full of blocky shapes and bold colours. Throughout the game you'll scurry through the crimson alleys of MarsTopia hunting down your own killer by any means necessary: be they bribes, your masculine Don Draper-esque wiles, or finding other ways of making people talk. With a four hour life span, it's not like you've got all day.

Like many noir adventures, this story is bigger than just you, as it's suggested that throughout your investigation you'll uncover the true reason all life on earth has ended, leaving the few million survivors to live out their days on Mars. Luckily, Mars has a Día de Muertos-like holiday called the Dead Man's Party where recently fallen are resurrected via 3D printing for a brief spell to party. As David Bowie would say, it's the freakiest show.

Last Life is gunning for a May 2015 release on PC, Mac and Linux. You can reserve Episode One for $15, or double that to also receive a digital art book and soundtrack.

So far Last Life has raised $12,423 towards its $75K goal with 28 days to go before its 9th May deadline.

Add Old Boy to Last Life's list of influences.

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