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Job ad suggests Skype will come to Xbox

With in-game integration?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

A recent Microsoft job posting suggests Skype will soon come to Xbox.

The ad for a lead program manager (via The Verge) explains Microsoft is "focused on enabling amazing new in-game and in-console voice and video experiences for the next generation of Xbox".

It's unclear if "next generation of Xbox" actually refers to an entirely new console or an updated version of the existing model, but the ad states "it is time-critical given the hardware lead times involved".

After acquired Skype six months ago Microsoft has implemented the popular audio and video chat app onto Windows Phone. Microsoft has also dabbled in video chat on the Xbox with Kinect and the Line Vision camera, suggesting Skype integration could follow.

With E3 just around the corner, it seems likely Microsoft will reveal more about its plan for Skype at its press conference Monday, 4th June at 9:30 AM PST (5:30PM UK time).

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