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Japanese police make first R4 cartridge seller arrest

More than three years after the devices were outlawed.

Japanese police have arrested a man for selling the banned R4 cartridge, which allows pirated games to be played on Nintendo's DS handheld.

It's the first arrest of its kind, despite the device having been illegal in Japan for over three years.

Selling the devices, known locally as Majikon, was outlawed in early 2009. But those found hawking them since have never previously faced criminal charges.

That changed last December, when when the country's Unfair Competition Prevention Act was amended, BBC reported. This made the act of selling the banned carts a criminal offence.

This first arrest has been a long time coming. The DS originally launched in 2004, and R4-style devices were on the market from at least 2007.

R4 cartridges were banned in the UK in July 2010.

New Super Mario Bros. DS.

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