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It turns out the man behind the wonderful fake Kaz Hirai Twitter account is a scouser

Calm down.

The man behind the wonderful fake Kaz Hirai Twitter parody account has finally revealed himself - and it turns out he's a scouser.

Mark Doherty, the Liverpudlian behind fake Kaz Hirai.

The @KazHiraiCEO Twitter account, which for a number of years parodied roasted Sony while being followed by 128,000 accounts that include top PlayStation executives such as Shuhei Yoshida, retired this E3 with a charity blowout for SpecialEffect.

With that done and dusted, the person behind the account took to Twitter to explain himself.

@KazHiraiCEO is in fact a man called Mark Doherty, someone who does not work in the video game industry. Rather, Doherty works in insurance. "That's why nobody ever knew who I was," Doherty explained. "It wasn't because I hid my identity; it was because my identity simply wasn't worth knowing."

What was worth knowing were the authentic bangers @KazHiraiCEO came out with over the years. Here are some of my favourites:

The @KazHiraiCEO Twitter account is of course a parody of the real Kaz Hirai, ex-PlayStation boss and current Sony chairman. In his statement, Doherty thanked the real Kaz Hirai for not shutting down the fake Kaz Hirai Twitter account. "They could have killed this account at any moment but they chose not to, despite all logic," he said. "I will always be thankful for that."

Now, for the biggest revelation, for me: Doherty is from Liverpool, but he lives in Manchester. That's right, fake Kaz Hirai is a scouser.

Who knew?

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