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HTC's new Vive Facial tracker is all smiles


HTC has released a new Vive Facial Tracker - and it looks pretty cool.

It tracks 38 facial movements across the lips, jaw, teeth, tongue, chin and cheeks to create a real-time depiction of facial expressions in virtual reality.

HTC said it covers almost the entirety of the lower facial area in VR, using dual cameras and a 60Hz tracking rate with a sub-10ms response time and an IR illuminator that should help with dark conditions.

The video below, from Neos VR developer Frooxius, gives us a good idea of how this facial tracker can be used. Honestly, it's pretty jaw-dropping. I doubt there's a huge market for it, but I can easily imagine the tech's application in a social VR game with voice chat. Perhaps one day I'll be able to blow my Call of Duty enemy a kiss in virtual reality, too.

Watch on YouTube

The tracker, which sticks to the Vive Pro headset, costs £129 in the UK.

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