How to find a Ninja Turtle supply drop in Fortnite
Don't get shell-shocked, here's how to search a TMNT supply drop.
Finding a Ninja Turtle supply drop in Fortnite is one of the phase one missions for the TMNT event. The mission in question tasks you with searching one Ninja Turtle supply drop - just the one - and you'll be rewarded with Ooze for doing so that you can spend on a TMNT themed reward.
However, as with most things in Fortnite, tracking down one of these Supply Drops is a mixture of luck and managing to stay alive long enough to track one down. Fortunately, your mini-map is on hand to help you out.
Without further ado, we're here to show you how to find a Ninja Turtle supply drop in Fortnite and how to search one when you find it.
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How to find a Ninja Turtle supply drop in Fortnite
You need to watch your mini-map to find a Ninja Turtle supply drop in Fortnite and look for a small icon related to one of the four brothers. This icon will appear to mark the exact location of a drop but it seems to take at least two rounds to appear.
The icon will be quite small but will look something like this one, our supply drop was themed around Raphael:

As soon as you find an icon like this one, head straight to it and you should see a crate beneath a large balloon which is the head of the Turtle it's themed around. The crate is the supply drop - but be quick when you're looking for it, other people will be looking for this too.
How to search a Ninja Turtle supply drop in Fortnite
To search a Ninja Turtle supply drop in Fortnite after you find it, you need to run up to the crate beneath the large balloon and interact with it like you would with a normal chest or crate. Then, several high-tier items will burst out of the crate and the Balloon will disappear.

There will be one red item in each crate with a weapon that corresponds to the Turtle the drop is themed around. So, for us, we had Raphael's Sai's.
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