Help fund British retro gaming film From Bedrooms to Billions
"Please, all you gamers, help us to tell this wonderful story!"
A new film about the old UK video games industry needs your crowd funding support on Indiegogo.
It's called From Bedrooms to Billions, and it needs $35,000 in funding. There are 26 days left, and $4175 has been raised. Money is only taken from your account if the project reaches its funding goal.
From Bedrooms to Billions is made by husband and wife team Anthony and Nicola Caulfield, who've got plenty of short film and documentary-making experience.
They hope to make a 90-minute feature film telling the story of the UK video gaming industry from 1979 to 1996. Because before that time, there was nothing. It took an assortment of entrepreneurs and bespectacled nerds to breathe life into the industry we now argue about on a daily basis.
The Caulfields pitched the idea to broadcasters in 2008 but were "surprised at how little interest we got", Anthony Caulfield told Eurogamer.
"The common answer seemed to be that gaming was a 'niche hobby', or that they wouldn't know where to 'place' such a show, or that no one would want to watch it.

"The story of the UK Video Games Industry is one of eccentric enthusiasm, crazy antics, almost a 'Wild West New Frontier that made itself up as it went along."
Anthony Caulfield, From BEdrooms to Billions
"What suprised us, though, was the complete lack of interest for such an important story in the history of British Invention and Industry - surely it is something that must be documented."
The BBC eventually did show interest, but pulled support at "the very last minute" because it was deemed, again, "way too niche".
In a quote for Eurogamer's readers' eyes, Anthony Caulfield wrote: "Please, all you gamers, help us to tell this wonderful story!
"The UK TV establishment feel that gaming is niche and that this is not an important enough subject. The story of the UK Video Games Industry is one of eccentric enthusiasm, crazy antics, almost a 'Wild West New Frontier that made itself up as it went along that contributed many games and franchises that many take for granted today.
"The UK games story is very different from the rest of the world. Therefore we want to finally document this in one hell of a film that will stand the test of time and be remembered! Even if you just drop a tenner in the hat or pre-order a copy of the film it would be incredibly appreciated.
"We need you to make this happen!," he stressed.
From Bedrooms to Billions pre-production has already been completed, and production has begun. Several interviews have already been filmed. With your help, the film could be finished by the autumn, and ready to air early next year.
There's a long list of interview targets on the From Bedrooms to Billions Indiegogo page, including the likes of Sensible Software chief Jon Hare - who, incidentally, does have long hair; Elite creator David Braben, Eidos life president Ian Livingstone and Jeff Minter who lives on a farm. There are many, many more.