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Hacker discovers PlayStation Vita exploit, starts work on homebrew loader - report

Kindle jailbreak coder gets to work on Sony's handheld.

A PlayStation Vita exploit has been discovered which may allow homebrew software to run.

Yifan Lu, the hacker who discovered the exploit, previously cracked the security in Amazon's Kindle devices. He's now appealing for help in creating a Vita homebrew loader.

Work on the loader is still in its early days, but preliminary code is already available to view on github.

The planned homebrew loader will be "based heavily" on PSP software Half-Byte Loader - the maker of which our Bertie put some questions to. Users can already run PSP homebrew games on PlayStation Vita - this new software would allow for entirely new programs running on Vita game code.

Naturally, the ability to run homebrew software does not have to equate to the ability to run pirated software. But Lu has already defended his work on Twitter, in response to one indie Vita developer's fears his exploit would leave an "open door" to piracy.

"I apologise, but what can I do about what others may possibly do in the future?" Lu said.

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