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Greenpeace dumps on Nintendo

Places last in green report again.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Greenpeace has placed Nintendo bottom of the Guide to Greener Electronics report again.

Increased greenhouse gas emissions, no time-line for phasing out PVC and an almost non existent e-waste policy meant the Mario-maker scored just 1.8 out of 10. Nintendo's highest mark was "Partially Good (2+)" for Chemicals Management. The majority of marks were "Bad (0)".

Mind you, in January Nintendo scored 1.4 out of 10, so at least something has improved.

Fellow videogame console manufacturer Microsoft fared little better, finishing one place higher (17th) with a score of 1.9.

Sony, on the other hand, was sixth with an impressive 5.1 out of 10.

Greenpeace declared the most green company to be Nokia, which scored 7.5 out of 10. Sony Ericsson - the company linked to the "definitely fake" PlayStation Phone pictures earlier today - was second with 6.9 out of 10.

Apple, meanwhile, was ninth with a non-improved score of 4.9.

Having been raised by worms, Eurogamer naturally takes an interest in all things environmental. That's why earlier this year we decided to quiz the major players in videogames about how green their games are. Who do you think won?

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